Monday, May 24, 2010

Storytime children!

Hello people who actually still read my blog. I figure thats about 0! YAY ME! I am gonna keep on blogging anymore. This is more for me than anyone else really.

Today we're going to talk about the POWER behind WORDS. Ever find yourself in a perfect mood, until someone says one little thing? Ever wonder why your entire self-esteem could be shattered by a mere few people in your past? Well I figure it is because words are some of the most powerful things in the entire universe. I mean, we have them for a reason do we not? Words exist for us to use them. And in some cases, words are there for us to make other people feel like shit. Some words I am at a loss for any ability to understand why they exist. I mean, if you have more than three words to say one evil thing about someone, that is sad. No one should have to be put through that. And yet, I find myself saying horrible things about people daily. I am such a hypocrite.

Continuing on, through most of my life I have been the kid that people picked on. I have been called so many names I am not sure I could even count. And it's weird because I could have been so happy, but one person would come up to me and say something and POOF, I hated life that day. No matter what good things happened, that ONE thing would make me so sad. And even if the rest of my day was amazing, I still felt like crap.

I have been called things that as a kid, I thought that when I got older I could change. I tried. I really did. I got more friends like me, I worked to fit in with them, I tried everything. But still, people persisted.And tehn it got to junior high where everyone learns everything about ruining other's lives. And again, I was a target. You think I'd have learned by then not to talk to people who made me feel like crap. But hey, I was young and naive. I got to grade 9 with a broken heart, trust issues, a newly changed definition of friendship, happiness, and even love. By the time I was in grade 10, I had become the ultimate professional at hiding my feelings.

Words can completely destroy anyone if you work hard enough at it.

You know that saying, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words could never hurt me'? IT LIES. It is wrong. Words may not break bones, but words break hearts. Now that I am a bit more grown up, I have realized there will always be someone saying SOMETHING about you. You just gotta learn to let it go. And if not, you are going to be in for a lifetime of hurt.

I have found a new way to get past it all. I say, hey, if someone's life is so PATHETIC that they have to make fun of you, they obviously aren't worth your time or energy to hate. I don't hate people. I think it is SO much energy to go into negativity it's not even funny. Energy should be put into positive things. Like cupcakes. :) Mm, cupcakes. I must add that to the list. And on that note, storytime is over!

Just Me.

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