Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just thoughts.

Quick intro to me: You can call me...Well I am writing this anonymously so I shall call myself Betty. That seems like an okay plan. Continuing onward: I am 17, I go to public school. I am a leo, my favorite color is purple. NOW, onto my attempt at deep thinking. Brace yourself.

Today I found myself wondering if things really are all completely chance or coincedence. I agree that we make choices that affect our lives, and that our own choices create our luck or (in some cases) misfortune. But I do occaisonally wonder if maybe fate to an extent does exist. Maybe some things in our lives are fated to be, or maybe karma is in play here and when we do something good we are rewarded with something just as good (or maybe better) than what we have done. Maybe our lives are outlined for us, and we just fill in the details. For example, let's say I am definitely going to break my arm when I am five. Now, fate is directing my life toward that monumental moment, but the details of how , why, when, where, all of that is up to me and my choices.

Sometimes I wonder if this is how all our lives work. Maybe it's all too complicated to even put into words. Maybe it's a bit of fate, a bit of our own choices, a bit of karma, and a bit of chance; all mixed into the crazy, wonderful, imperfectly beautiful mess we call life. Mistakes are made to show us which way we were supposed to go all along, and maybe I am just crazy and need some sort of medication. That could indeed be it. However, I shall continue my crazy rant, just to get all these ideas out there. Maybe someone will find them slightly interesting.

I believe that having regrets is just another form of wishful thinking. I don't believe in having any regrets in life. If you think about the past, all your mistakes, what you did wrong or what you wish you could have done instead, you will wind up forgetting that life is all about what is going on NOW. The point of life is to make mistakes, and to learn from them. Everything you did at one point was EXACTLY what you wanted. You can't say, "I don't know what I was thinking," because you do. You just aren't happy with the result. And if you are that unhappy about the past, you should probably move on and start trying to make your future something amazing. Because if you keep living in the past, you will forget about the present, and your future in turn will suffer.

If you pay attention to the present, cherish every moment, or even just take time to slow down and think, you will be able to make your future amazing. We all have so much to be thankful for, just not everyone can see it. People spend all of their time complaining about things that are so trivial it's funny. I know, because I complain more than I really should, about such stupid things. Yet sometimes I cannot make myself appreciate the good things I have. Things like a person I love more than anything, amazing friends, mostly awesome family, my health (mostly), a place to live, food to eat, clean water to drink, I go to school when there are people in the world who can't. There are so many more things I can't even start to list them.

When I really think about it, I have no reason to be unhappy. I've got every reason in the world to be happy and thankful, and to live life as if every moment is my last. I am going to try to do exactly that. I am going to try to live my life everyday, as if I could be gone at any moment. I am going to love and show people forgiveness if they do not deserve it, I am going to tell everyone everyday how much they mean to me, and I am going to laugh whenever possible.

Oh, but wishful thinking is totally acceptable. Just not wishful thinking of the past. You should always have hopes and dreams, or wishes that seem impossible. Because even if you do not quite get what you wanted, you could get something better.

I'm going to stop now before this really gets far too long. Again, I could be completely crazy. Let's hope not.


  1. I do not think you are crazy. I think this has great insight. If everyone would take the time to think about this truly well. I really don't think there would be this many issues as there is. This is gonna give me a lot of stuff to think about...something to pick at my brain with.

  2. Betty, lol nice. : 3
    Great entry, this is exactly what ablog is for, getting your ideas out and into the world so they don't get all caught up in your brain. xDD

  3. KSO

